Our Story
Christian Bible College of Louisiana is an outgrowth of Louisiana Christian Institute. In 1973 the Lord inspired Drs. B. J. Robinson, Richard Wilson, E. G. Gumms, Rev. Webster Carroll, Rev. C. R. Alexander, Rev. Arthur Monday, Mrs. Betty Alexander, and Missionary Jeanette Ellis to begin a school to train Christian men and women for the Lord’s work.
The first meeting was held at the Second Baptist Church, Lower coast Algiers, Dr. Earl Green, Pastor. At that time, plans were made to organize Louisiana Christian Institute. Classes began on Monday, February 26, 1973 at the St. Stephen Baptist Church, 1735 Whitney Avenue, New Orleans, Louisiana, Rev. Arthur Monday, Pastor. Eleven students were in attendance.
The first instructors and the subjects that were taught were:
Dr. B. J. Robinson

Church History
Dr. Richard Wilson 

Mrs. B. Alexander

Basic Studies
Dr. E. G. Gumms 

Old Testament
Rev. Webster Carroll

New Testament
Missionary J. Ellis

A special meeting of the Executive Board was held April 6, 1973, to establish a Board of Trustees. These persons were appointed as the school’s first Board of Trustees.
Rev. Arthur Monday, Sr.
Rev. Wilbert Harton

Vice President
Rev. J. H. Harkless

Correspondence Secretary
Mrs. Shirley Douglas

Financial Secretary
Rev. C. R. Alexander

West New Orleans Missionary and Education Baptist Association was the original financial sponsor of the school. However, because of a conflict of beliefs between the Institute and the Board of Trustees, Dean Gumms, at the request of the Board of Trustees resigned as Dean of the Institute. The school then became independent and begun operating apart from the Association. It was agreed that the School’s survival was dependent upon its relocation. Two locations were considered.
Pilgrim Baptist Church, Rev. Richard Wilson, Pastor
Little Zion Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. A. P. Clay, Pastor
Both locations were in Kenner, Louisiana. Little Zion Baptist Church was selected to serve as the site for the school. Plans were made to charter the school under the name of Louisiana Bible College. Since there was a Louisiana Bible College in Pineville, Louisiana, the name was changed to Christian Bible College of Louisiana and the charter was granted.
Officers and staff at that time were:
Dr. B. J. Robinson
Dr. A. P. Clay

Vice President
Dr. E. G. Gumms
Dean of Academic Affairs
Dr. G. R. Washington
Dr. Richard Wilson
Mrs. Betty Alexander
Acceleration and Remediation
Mrs. Charlean Robinson
Mrs. Evelyn Hardin
Because of the eighty-mile distance that students from the Baton Rouge area had to travel to attend Christian Bible College in Kenner, Rev. H. B. Williams and Rev. Jasper Roper sought to establish a Baton Rouge extension of the College. The officials of Christian Bible College agreed to establish the extension. The school was to be temporarily housed at the New Light Missionary Baptist Church, Rev. H. B. Williams, Pastor.
The Baton Rouge campus was officially organized on November 5, 1977, at the New Light Missionary Baptist Church and in September 1985 established itself an independent institution.
The Bridge City College-Related campus was organized in 1984, with Rev. George Davis as Dean and in September 1991 it established itself as an official extension of Christian Bible College of Louisiana with Dr. Davis as its President. The Bridge City Extension ceased operations in May of 2003 merging with classes on the Main campus.
During school year 2004 – 2005 provisional accreditation was granted by the Accrediting Commission International. In August 2005,we were granted full accreditation by ACI – the culmination of a journey conceived of over 20 years before.
Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 pre-empted registration for the 2005 – 2006 school year. Due to extensive damage at the Clay Street campus, classes were held at the Mt. Zion B. C. educational building in Boutte, LA, the Rev. Robert Pardo, Pastor. Despite these setbacks, we began our Fall semester in January 2006. Students and faculty agreed to an intensive school year which concluded in May with Commencement in June 2006.
An extension campus was added in Houma, LA in August, 2006; classes being held at the Dularge Community Baptist Church in association with the Concerned Clergy and Laity of Houma and the Bell Baptist Association. That same year our main campus relocated to the Crescent City Christian School in Metairie, LA.
Christian Bible College of Louisiana is dedicated to “Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth” II Timothy 2:15
The following Presidents have given leadership of Christian Bible College: Dr. B. J. Robinson, Dr. Arthur Paul Clay, Dr. Ernest Pedescleaux, Dr. Willie Sutton, Dr. Sidney Tobias, Dr. Frank A. Davis, III and our current President, Dr. Cornelius Tilton.
The alumni of Christian Bible College are serving as Pastors, preachers, teachers, directors of Christian Education and Evangelism in churches throughout the nation and around the world. Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow.